
Primary Drive Clutch Puller Tool for Kawasaki Brute Force Prairie Mule KVF750 KVF700 KVF650 KAF620 KVF400 KVF360 KVF300 KAF620,Replace OE #57001-1404/57001-1429,Compatible With Suzuki 700/Arctic Cat

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APPLICATIONS: Designed to remove the primary clutch on the following models: Kawasaki Golf Kart ATV and UTV: 300, 360, 400, 650 Prairie700, 750 KFX650 750 Brute ForceMule 3000, 4000 Series Suzuki 700 Twin Peaks 4×4 2004-2006 Arctic Cat 650 V2 4×4 2004-2006. See Details Fitments in the Image #2SPECIFICATIONS: Precise machining for accuracy, 14mm Primary Drive Clutch Puller??7-7/8 inches LengthREPLACEMENT: Replaces Arctic Cat OE #57001-1404, Kawasaki OE #57001-1404/57001-1429 and Suzuki OE #57001-1406. Replaces PP3079QUALITY: Manufactured from the highest quality steel and heat treated for superior strength.WHAT YOU GET: Clutch puller remove tool for Kawasaki Golf Kart ATV and UTV,our worry-free 18-month , and great customer service..aplus-tech-spec-hide-loading { visibility: visible !important; }Primary Drive Clutch Puller ToolKAWASAKI/SUZUKI/ARCTIC CAT ATV Primary Drive Clutch Puller Replaces Suzuki Arctic Cat KawasakiUsed for removal of ATV drive clutchMachined from quality steel and

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